Serving those struggling with homelessness
in Edmonton's Boyle MacAulay Neighborhood

The Letters that Define Us....
"I" for INNER:  
Think of the Inner life.  Look for a Bible, our source of truth.  A Jesus Fish, a symbol of the earliest communities of believers, so similar to our own community in many ways.  A chalice, from which we drink the Wine, the blood of Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist.  A cross of nails, such a simple yet piercing reminder of the love and forgiveness we have in the act we celebrate here.  
"C" for CITY 
Think of our beautiful City, Edmonton.  Look for the smooth curves Walterdale Bridge and the rough edges of the High Level.  The perfect symmetry of the Muttart.  The tools of our Oilers, both puck and stick.  The shining eternal orb, the sun that shines on us and serves as a reminder that even with 8 months of winter we still have 12 months of sunshine.  And just for good measure, a #YEG.
"P" for PASTORAL:  

"M" for MINISTRY:  

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